What is Central Tendency, Purpose/Essentials of Average, Statistical Averages Types, Arithmetic MEAN

00:02 AGENDA of this Session






00:58 What is a Central Tendency

04:29 Measures of Central tendency

05:23 Basic Purpose of finding an average value of a series

06:48 Purpose and functions of Averages

13:29 Essentials of a good average

16:48 Types of statistical averages


19:00 Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic Means



19:17 Arithmetic mean

22:56 Types of Arithmetic Mean

25:29 Concluding Remarks & beyond…

Learning Outcomes:-

Through this module, you will gain understanding on:-

1.    What is a Central Tendency?

2.    Purpose and functions of Averages

3.    Essentials of a good average

4.    Types of statistical averages

What is a Central Tendency?

     Central value or representative value of a statistical series

     Critical value which represents all the items in a series

     Also called Average Value OR Measure of Location


Eg. It is very difficult to remember and understand the data concerning the income of millions of Indians. However, if it is said that in 2011-12, Provisional estimates for average income of the people in India was Rs. 38,037 per annum, then It will be easy for us to guess the economic condition of most of the Indians.


Measures of Central tendency = All those methods of statistical analysis by which averages of the statistical series are worked out


Basic Purpose of finding an average value of a series = To identify such a value that briefly and simply represents Characteristics of all the items in the series


Purpose and functions of Averages -

     Brief Description - Present simple description of principal features of raw data

     Comparison - average per-person income of India and USA

     Formulation of Policies -

     Statistical Analysis - Weak subjects of students can be known through average marks secured

     One Value for All - represents Universe


Essentials of a good average -

     Clear and stable in definition

     Based on all observations of series

     Simple and easy to work out

     Certain in character

     Least affected by change in sample on which it is based

     Capable of further algebraic treatment


Types of statistical averages -

A)   Mathematical averages

B)   Positional averages

a1- Arithmetic mean

a2- Geometric mean

a3- Harmonic mean

b1- Median

b2- Partition value

b3- Mode

Types of Arithmetic Mean -

a)    Simple Arithmetic mean

All items of the series are given equal importance

b)    Weighted Arithmetic mean

     Different items are taken as of different importance

     Weights are accorded to different items depending on their relative importance

VIDEO DESCRIPTION (max 5,000 characters)

What is a Central Tendency, Measures of Central tendency, example, Basic Purpose of finding an average value of a series, Purpose and functions of Averages, Essentials of a good average, Types of statistical averages, Arithmetic mean, Types of Arithmetic Mean | Measures of Central Tendency: Arithmetic Mean | 11th Commerce | by @statomics11comm

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Reference list entries:-

1. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Yn3yOPEtggE/maxresdefault.jpg


TAGS (csv)

What is a Central Tendency, Measures of Central tendency, example, Basic Purpose of finding an average value of a series, Purpose and functions of Averages, Essentials of a good average, Types of statistical averages, Arithmetic mean, Types of Arithmetic Mean, Measures of Central Tendency: Arithmetic Mean, 11th Commerce, CBSE, statomics11comm



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