Qualities of a Good Questionnaire, Pilot Survey Technique, Main Sources of Errors in Data Collection

00:57 Qualities of a Good Questionnaire

08:49 Pilot Survey Technique

14:39 Types of Questions in a Questionnaire

16:48 Main Errors’ Sources in Data Collection

Learning Outcomes:-

Through this module, you will gain understanding on:-

1.    Qualities of a Good Questionnaire

2.    Types of Questions

3.    Main Sources of Errors in Data Collection


Qualities of a Good Questionnaire -

     Objective of questionnaire

     Limited number of questions and only relating to the purpose of enquiry (reasonable length)

     Simple, lucid and clear language of questions

     Avoid long, complex or mathematical questions (precise, short ques)

     Questions should not offend the informants

     Controversial questions should not be asked

     Questions involving difficult calculations to be done by the respondent must be avoided

     Pre-test your questionnaire through pilot survey

     Clear instructions for filling

     The set of questions can be cross-checked with each other

     Request for complete return

     Assurity of keeping information confidential

Types of Questions -

     Simple alternative questions: yes no, right wrong, good bad

     Multiple choice questions: various possibilities of a particular event

     Specific information questions: How much pocket allowance do you get?

     Open questions: asking views on specific issues


Main Sources of Errors in Collection of Data -

     Different enumerators use different measurement scales

     Different enumerators allow different approximation in their measurement

     Wrong responses because respondents are not able to understand questions properly

     Lack of response or incomplete response

     Miscalculations (arithmetic errors)

     Errors occurring due to communication gap

VIDEO DESCRIPTION (max 5,000 characters)

Qualities of a Good Questionnaire, Pilot Survey Technique, Types of Questions, Main Sources of Errors in Data Collection | Collection of Data, Statistical methods/modes of collecting Basic (primary) Data | 11th Commerce | by @statomics11comm


Related Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0BlcnHQsq5KhkfFQxwH5nA9Cq7JHMBCj


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Qualities of a Good Questionnaire, Pilot Survey Technique, Types of Questions, Main Sources of Errors in Collection of Data, Statistical methods, modes of collecting Basic primary Data, 11th Commerce CBSE, statomics11comm



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