Lorenz Curve, its Construction, Application of Lorenz Curve | Measures of Dispersion


00:11 Session Agenda

01:00 Lorenz Curve


11:21 drawing lorenz curve: a graphical method of studying Dispersion


27:25 Concluding Remarks

Learning Outcomes:-

Through this module, you will gain understanding on:-

1.    Lorenz Curve


3.    drawing lorenz curve: a graphical method of studying Dispersion


Lorenz Curve

·         Lorenz curve is another important measure of variability of the statistical series.

·         This curve was first used by Max Lorenz. Hence, it is called Lorenz Curve

·         These curves are generally used to measure variability in the distribution of income and wealth

·         Lorenz curve is a measure of deviation of actual distribution from the line of equal distribution. This is a cumulative percentage curve.

·         The extent of deviation of the actual distribution from the equal distribution is called Lorenz coefficient.

·         Greater the distance of Lorenz curve from the line of equal distribution, more is the inequality or variability in its series.

·         on the other hand, closer is the Lorenz curve to the line of equal distribution, lower will be the variability or degree of inequality.

What is Lorenz Curve?

It is a curve that shows deviation of actual distribution (of income or wealth) from the line showing equal distribution.



Following steps are involved

1.    First of all, the series is converted into a cumulative frequency series. The cumulative sum of the items (or mid-values of class intervals) is assumed to be 100 and the different items are converted into percentages of the cumulative sum. Likewise, cumulative sum of the frequencies is assumed to be 100 and different frequencies are converted into percentages of the sum of the frequencies.

2.    Cumulative frequencies are plotted on X-axis of a graph, while cumulative items are plotted on the Y-axis.

3.    On both axes, we start from 0 to 100 and both X and Y axes take the values from 0 to 100.

4.    Draw a diagonal line joining the origin (0, 0) with the cumulative frequencies (100, 100). This shows equal distribution. It is, therefore, called 'Equality Line' or Line of Equal Distribution

5.    Actual data are plotted on the graph and a curve is obtained by joining different points. This curve shows actual distribution.

6.    The actual distribution curve is called Lorenz curve.

·         Closeness of Lorenz curve to the Equal Distribution Line shows lesser variation in the distribution.

·         Larger the gap between the actual distribution curve and the Lorenz Line, greater is the variation.

·         If two Lorenz curves are drawn on the same graph paper, the one which is further away from the equal distribution line shows greater variation.


·         Lorenz Curve is a graphic measure of dispersion in a statistical series.

·         It is a very simple measure and provides an immediate glimpse of the degree of variation in a statistical distribution from its mean value. (equal distribution line)

·         It was first used by Prof. Lorenz for the measurement of economic inequality relating to the distribution of income and wealth across different nations or across different periods of time for the same nation.

·         With the passage of time, the application of Lorenz curve has widely spread to measure disparity of distribution relating to various parameters like distribution of profits and wages.

lack of similarity or equality; inequality; difference

·         Briefly, Lorenz curve as a measure of dispersion is presently applied to the following parameters, viz.,

1.    distribution of income

2.    distribution of wages

3.    distribution of wealth

4.    distribution of profits

5.    distribution of production

6.    distribution of population

VIDEO DESCRIPTION (max 5,000 characters)

Lorenz Curve, CONSTRUCTION OF LORENZ CURVE, drawing lorenz curve: a graphical method of studying Dispersion, APPLICATION OF LORENZ CURVE | Measures of Dispersion | 11th Commerce | by @statomics11comm


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Ch 11 - (DISPERSION) Measures of Dispersion



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Lorenz Curve - Measures of Dispersion | Class 11 Economics - Statistics

3.12 | Lorenz curve | measures of Dispersion | steps of Lorenz curve | graph of Lorenz curve

LORENZ CURVE - Measures Of Dispersion | Class 11 - Statistics for Economics

Measures of Dispersion class 11 | Lorenz Curve | Statistics Chapter 11 Part 10


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Lorenz Curve, CONSTRUCTION OF LORENZ CURVE, drawing lorenz curve a graphical method of studying Dispersion, APPLICATION OF LORENZ CURVE

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