DISPERSION Introduction, Objectives/Importance, Absolute & Relative Measures, Methods


00:23 Session Agenda

02:38 What is Dispersion

10:24 Definition

11:13 how is dispersion different from Average of the series

13:09 Basic Objective Related to the Measurement of Dispersion

14:05 Objectives Related to the Measurement of Dispersion


21:55 Methods of Measuring Dispersion (names only)

22:55 Why should we measure Dispersion about some particular value

29:42 Concluding Remarks

Learning Outcomes:-

Through this module, you will gain understanding on:-

1.     What is Dispersion? Definition

2.     how is dispersion different from Average of the series -

3.     Objectives Related to the Measurement of Dispersion -


5.     Methods of Measuring Dispersion (names only)

6.     Why should we measure Dispersion about some particular value?

What is Dispersion?

Average indicates representative value of the series around which other values of the series tend to converge. So that average represents the series as a whole.


One may now be keen to know how far the various values of the series tend to disperse from each other, or from their average. This brings us to yet another important branch of statistical methods, viz., Measures of Dispersion. Only when we study dispersion along with average of a series that we can have a comprehensive information about the nature and composition of a statistical series.


Wages paid to 5 workers in three factories: A, B, C –

Factory A

Factory B

Factory C






no variation between the average wage and the wages paid






small variation






large variation

min wage = Rs 50

max wage = Rs 750 It shows that mean and median do not provide complete information about the composition and character of a series.


In all the three factories, the arithmetic mean and median is same, i.e., 400.


In order to get a comprehensive picture of the series, we should study measures of dispersion as well.



Dispersion is the measure of the variation of the items.


Dispersion measures the degree to which numerical data tend to spread about an average value.


how is dispersion different from Average of the series -



·         different items tend to differ from each other and from their average

·         Dispersion measures the extent of this difference

·         refers to central tendency of the series

·         represents behaviour of all items in the series

·         value of the series around which other values of the series tend to converge


What is the Basic Objective Related to the Measurement of Dispersion?

It is to know about the composition of the statistical series by estimating the extent to which different items of the series tend to move away from their average value or the central tendency.


Objectives Related to the Measurement of Dispersion -

(1) To know the variation of different values of the items from the average value of a series.

(2) To know about the composition of a series or the dispersal of values on either sides of the central tendency.

(3) To know the range of values (i.e., difference between the highest and the lowest value).

(4) To compare the disparity between two or more series in order to find out the degree of variation.

lack of similarity or equality; inequality; difference

(5) To know whether the central tendency truly represents the series or not



(i) Absolute Measure

·         dispersion of the series is expressed in terms of the original unit of the series

·         Thus, dispersion of price series would be expressed in terms of rupees; dispersion of weight series would be expressed in terms of kilograms; and so on.

·         For example, if one states that the average wage of a group of the workers is Rs 100 and dispersion of the wage is Rs 10, one is referring to absolute dispersion.

·         Absolute measure of dispersion is used when only one set of statistical distribution is under consideration. It cannot be used when comparison is involved across two or more sets of statistical series with different units of measurement (like 'rupee' in one case and 'kilogram' in the other).


(ii) Relative Measure

·         expresses the variability of data in terms of some relative value or percentage.

·         Thus, if one states that 26 per cent of the people in India are below poverty line, one is referring to the relative variability of data.

·         In such cases, absolute variability is divided by the mean value of the series or percentage of the absolute variability determined.

·         This measure of dispersion is used when one studies two or more series simultaneously.

·         Relative measure of dispersion is known Coefficient of Dispersion


Methods of Measuring Dispersion

Absolute Measure

relative measures


Coefficient of Range

Quartile Deviation; Inter Quartile Range

Coefficient of Quartile Deviation

Mean Deviations

Coefficient of Mean Deviation

Standard Deviation

Coefficient of Standard Deviation, Coefficient of Variation


Lorenz Curve



Why should we measure Dispersion about some particular value?

·         All measures of dispersion do not measure variation about some particular value of the series.

·         Range, for example, is simply the difference between the highest and the lowest values of a statistical series.

·         Likewise, quartile deviation is defined as half of the difference between Q3 (third quartile) and Q1 (first quartile).

·         But measures of dispersion like mean deviation and standard deviation are worked out as deviations from some central tendency of the statistical series.

·         Deviations from some central tendency (or central value like mean or median) of the series offers a better picture of dispersion. Why?


(i) then we can assess how precise is the central tendency as the representative value of all the observations in the series. Greater value of dispersion implies lesser representativeness of the central tendency and vice versa, and

(ii) we can precisely assess how scattered are the actual observations from their representative value. Actual observations may show both a positive variation as well as negative variation from the observed central tendency of the series.

A summary measure of variation (which is what a measure of dispersion focuses on) is possible only when all the variations are duly considered.

VIDEO DESCRIPTION (max 5,000 characters)

What is Dispersion, Definition, how is dispersion different from Average of the series, Basic Objective Related to the Measurement of Dispersion, Objectives Related to the Measurement of Dispersion, ABSOLUTE AND RELATIVE MEASURES OF DISPERSION, Methods of Measuring Dispersion (names only), Why should we measure Dispersion about some particular value | Measures of Dispersion | 11th Commerce | by @statomics11comm


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Ch 11 - (DISPERSION) Measures of Dispersion



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Measure of Dispersion

Introduction to Dispersion

#24, Measures of dispersion | Importance | objective | Absolute and Relative Theory | Class XI |

Measures of Dispersion-Part 1|| Absolute & Relative measures of Dispersion||NET& PGT COMMERCE

Absolute & Relative Measures of Dispersion & Its Methods | 11 Economics Measures of Dispersion

Measures of Dispersion | Standard deviation | Class 11 | Part 1

What is Dispersion, Measure of Dispersion(Range) : Dispersion part-1

3.3 Absolute & Relative Measures of Dispersion

3.1 | Measures of Dispersion | objectives , Need and Importance of Dispersion | merits of Dispersion


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What is Dispersion, Dispersion Definition introduction, Average, Objectives importance, ABSOLUTE AND RELATIVE MEASURES OF DISPERSION, Methods of Measuring Dispersion

,Measures of Dispersion

,commerce, business, trade, class 11, 11 class, 11th, CBSE, hindi, English, statomics11comm, class 11th, statistics, economics, statistics for economics, 11th Commerce CBSE, 11th Commerce, CBSE



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