2-Construction of a Graph - Important Elements | Time Series Graphs OR Arithmetic line-graphs


1-Time Series Graphs OR Arithmetic line-graphs, example; Basic Steps to draw a Graph




2-Construction of a Graph - Important Elements | Time Series Graphs OR Arithmetic line-graphs




3-Rules for constructing a Graph | Arithmetic line-graphs OR Time Series Graphs



00:02 AGENDA of this Session (Part-2)

00:07 Construction of a Graph - Important Elements

09:18 Concluding Remarks & beyond…

Learning Outcomes:-

Through this module, you will gain understanding on:-

1.    Arithmetic line-graph

2.    Construction of a Graph - Important Elements

3.    Rules for constructing a Graph

Types of diagrammatic presentation of Data -


1. Geometric form

     Bar diagrams

     Pie Diagrams

2. Frequency diagrams


      Frequency Polygon

      Frequency Curve

      Ogive or Cumulative Frequency Curve

3.  arithmetic line-graphs 


Time Series Graphs


Graph = A set of statistical data when presented on a graph paper


Arithmetic line-graph -

     showing arithmetic values of a variable on a graph paper


1.    By presenting statistical data on a graph paper, we get different points

2.    By joining these points, we get a line which shows how a variable tends to change

3.    Each point on the line corresponds to an arithmetic value of statistical series of the Variable under study eg. value of import and export


     Also called Time Series Graph = because such graphs are often constructed to present time series data corresponding to different weeks, months or years

Construction of a Graph - Important Elements

     Point of Origin ‘O’ = Suitable Intersection point, Keeping in mind the size and nature of data

     Horizontal and vertical lines = Axis

     Horizontal Axis/ Abscissa/ X-axis = left to right

     Vertical Axis/ Ordinate/ Y-axis = going upward and downward

     X-axis and Y-axis = are mutually perpendicular to each other, Divide the plain of paper in 4 parts, Each part is called Quadrant

     In most cases, the data are positive figures, therefore presented only in first quadrant

Rules for constructing a Graph -

★ Note = Graphs are always drawn with reference to some scale. The choice of scale depends on values and volume of Data


1.    Heading: suitable, precise, self-explanatory about nature of information

2.    Appropriate scale, Entire data get easily represented

3.    Draw graph in the middle of the paper

4.    Length of X-axis = 1.5 times the length of Y-axis

5.    On X-axis, Points are plotted from left to right

6.    On Y-axis, Points are plotted from bottom to top

7.    Differentiate more than one line on same graph

(Dotted, broken or Bold lines)

8.    Give table of data along with the graph for verification

9.    Using False Line (cut or kink), IF Values in a series are very large and difference between smallest value and zero is high

Y-axis = cut

X-axis = kink

10.    To draw the line

     Mark different points on graph paper corresponding to different values of series And draw joining line with uniform thickness

VIDEO DESCRIPTION (max 5,000 characters) 

Construction of a Graph - Important Elements | Arithmetic line-graphs OR Time Series Graphs | Diagrammatic Presentation of Data | 11th Commerce | by @statomics11comm

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Related Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0BlcnHQsq5LMgofbzvbJeBPEmHSJ4p0j


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Construction of a Graph - Important Elements, Construction of a Graph, Arithmetic line-graphs, Time Series Graphs, example, Construction of a Graph - Important Elements, Rules for constructing a Graph, Arithmetic line-graphs OR Time Series Graphs, Diagrammatic Presentation of Data, 11th Commerce, CBSE, statomics11comm



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